Thursday, December 25, 2014
Episode 10: Die Hard
Now we have an episode... ho.. ho... ho...
It's Christmas Eve in L.A. and Corinne, Chris, Sarah, and Tim discuss the most exciting office Christmas party ever by watching that explosive yuletide classic Die Hard. Warning: Contains explicit language, spoilers, sugar-enriched flour, partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil, polysorbate 60, and yellow dye No. 5.
Subscribe to our podcast here.
Listen to us on Stitcher here.
Want to debate which candy bar makes for the best pre-shoot-out snack? Have a theory utilizing theoretical physics to explain how you fit an ambulance into a cargo truck? Are you alone, tired, and haven't heard diddly-squat about the things you feel we should have discussed? Leave a comment below and keep the discussion going.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Episode 9: Big Trouble in Little China
Everybody relax, we're here. Corinne, Chris, Sarah, and Tim crawl their way out of the Hell of Being Skinned Alive to discuss John Carpenter's 1986 cult classic Big Trouble in Little China. Warning: Contains explicit language, spoilers, and a six-demon bag.
Subscribe to our podcast here.
Listen to us on Stitcher here.
Want to report a missing truck and don't want to hear 'act of God'? Have any advice on what to do if one's mind and body are going north and south? Feel we left something out and failed to shake the pillars of heaven? Leave a comment below and keep the discussion going.
Back from hiatus...
After a bit of an interruption due to some technical problems, I'm happy to say we're back in business with a new podcast episode to follow. Bear with us.
Friday, October 10, 2014
October Horrors #8: Invasion (AKA Infection)
It's October again and as the foliage turns orange and the cheap candy lines the store shelves, it's a good time to catch up on some horror movies. So, in the spirit of the old October Horror Movie Challenge, in which one tries to watch a previously unseen horror movie each day of the month, I'm going to attempt to provide 31 reviews for similarly unseen horror movies throughout October.
This time we get a different perspective on alien takeovers... and it's almost as exciting as a traffic stop.
This time we get a different perspective on alien takeovers... and it's almost as exciting as a traffic stop.
October Horrors #7: The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (1964)
It's October again and as the foliage turns orange and the cheap candy lines the store shelves, it's a good time to catch up on some horror movies. So, in the spirit of the old October Horror Movie Challenge, in which one tries to watch a previously unseen horror movie each day of the month, I'm going to attempt to provide 31 reviews for similarly unseen horror movies throughout October.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
October Horrors #6: The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976)
It's October again and as the foliage turns orange and the cheap candy lines the store shelves, it's a good time to catch up on some horror movies. So, in the spirit of the old October Horror Movie Challenge, in which one tries to watch a previously unseen horror movie each day of the month, I'm going to attempt to provide 31 reviews for similarly unseen horror movies throughout October.
(Obviously these first few entries are coming a bit late, as the multitude of local October events have left me a bit preoccupied.)
Ok, a creepy story for you and it's completely true... no, honestly... well, mostly true, names changed and all that... well, part of it is probably true... if you don't believe me, ask anyone who lives in The Town That Dreaded Sundown.
Ok, a creepy story for you and it's completely true... no, honestly... well, mostly true, names changed and all that... well, part of it is probably true... if you don't believe me, ask anyone who lives in The Town That Dreaded Sundown.
October Horrors #5: Ghost Story (1981)
It's October again and as the foliage turns orange and the cheap candy lines the store shelves, it's a good time to catch up on some horror movies. So, in the spirit of the old October Horror Movie Challenge, in which one tries to watch a previously unseen horror movie each day of the month, I'm going to attempt to provide 31 reviews for similarly unseen horror movies throughout October.
October Horrors #4: Curse of Chucky (2013)
It's October again and as the foliage turns orange and the cheap candy lines the store shelves, it's a good time to catch up on some horror movies. So, in the spirit of the old October Horror Movie Challenge, in which one tries to watch a previously unseen horror movie each day of the month, I'm going to attempt to provide 31 reviews for similarly unseen horror movies throughout October.
Monday, October 6, 2014
October Horrors #3: Mulberry Street (2006)
It's October again and as the foliage turns orange and the cheap candy lines the store shelves, it's a good time to catch up on some horror movies. So, in the spirit of the old October Horror Movie Challenge, in which one tries to watch a previously unseen horror movie each day of the month, I'm going to attempt to provide 31 reviews for similarly unseen horror movies throughout October.
(Obviously these first few entries are coming a bit late, as the multitude of local October events have left me a bit preoccupied.)
I've written about Jim Mickle's considerable talents as a director before, but it's time to go back to the old neighborhood as we look at his debut feature, Mulberry Street.
I've written about Jim Mickle's considerable talents as a director before, but it's time to go back to the old neighborhood as we look at his debut feature, Mulberry Street.
October Horrors #2: Stage Fright (2014)
It's October again and as the foliage turns orange and the cheap candy lines the store shelves, it's a good time to catch up on some horror movies. So, in the spirit of the old October Horror Movie Challenge, in which one tries to watch a previously unseen horror movie each day of the month, I'm going to attempt to provide 31 reviews for similarly unseen horror movies throughout October.
(Obviously these first few entries are coming a bit late, as the multitude of local October events have left me a bit preoccupied.)
October Horrors #1: Man-Made Monster (1940)
It's October again and as the foliage turns orange and the cheap candy lines the store shelves, it's a good time to catch up on some horror movies. So, in the spirit of the old October Horror Movie Challenge, in which one tries to watch a previously unseen horror movie each day of the month, I'm going to attempt to provide 31 reviews for similarly unseen horror movies throughout October.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Episode 8: The Changeling
October's festival of horrors starts with a classic ghost story as Chris, Sarah, and Tim dig into the crawlspaces and hidden nooks of 1980's The Changeling. Warning: Contains explicit language, spoilers, and unexplained, unearthly banging.
Subscribe to our podcast here.
Listen to us on Stitcher here.
Have your own real estate horror story? Want to complain about that well your house is built over? Need to vent about that damn rubber ball you can't get rid of no matter what you try? Leave a comment below and keep the discussion going.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Episode 7: The Goonies
Grab a Baby Ruth and listen in as Chris, Sarah, and Tim follow the clues and discuss the 1985 adventure film The Goonies. Warning: Contains explicit language and spoilers but oddly enough does NOT contain an octopus.
Subscribe to our podcast here.
Listen to us on Stitcher here.
Want to report a sighting of the Fratellis? Have an idea as to where we can find a stash of pirate gold? Perhaps you'd like to chat about the finer points of human skull usage in subterranean architecture? Leave a comment below and keep the discussion going
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Monday, August 4, 2014
Episode 6: Jaws
You go on the podcast, podcast goes on the internet, you go on the internet, shark's on the internet... our shark. Chris, Sarah, and Tim are closing the beaches to talk about Steven Spielberg's 1975 classic Jaws. Warning: Contains explicit language, spoilers, and uninformed speculation regarding the state of the Brodys' marriage.
Subscribe to our podcast here.
Listen to us on Stitcher here.
Feel like we got something wrong (and that we don't have education enough to admit it?) Have a story about how Jaws kept you out of the water? Maybe you just enjoy talking about swimming with bowlegged women? Leave a comment below and keep the discussion going.
Friday, August 1, 2014
Movie In-Jokes: Man of Steel
One of the fun games when watching movies is to spot references, secret messages and gags that filmmakers, film crews and actors can slip into movies to pay tribute to films they love, have a bit of fun with their previous work, or give the cinematic equivalent of a shout-out. Here's a spotter's guide to these inside jokes.
This time, some set decoration hints at a future encounter for the last son of Krypton in a nearly subliminal image hidden in Zack Snyder's divisive Man of Steel from last year.
This time, some set decoration hints at a future encounter for the last son of Krypton in a nearly subliminal image hidden in Zack Snyder's divisive Man of Steel from last year.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Movie In-Jokes: Mighty Joe Young (1998)
One of the fun games when watching movies is to spot references, secret messages and gags that filmmakers, film crews and actors can slip into movies to pay tribute to films they love, have a bit of fun with their previous work, or give the cinematic equivalent of a shout-out. Here's a spotter's guide to these inside jokes.
This time, a beautiful woman in an elegant gown inspires a bit of deja vu in Ron Underwood's 1998 remake of the monster classic Mighty Joe Young.
This time, a beautiful woman in an elegant gown inspires a bit of deja vu in Ron Underwood's 1998 remake of the monster classic Mighty Joe Young.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Episode 5: John Carter (of Mars)
Yes, Virginia, there is a Dotar Sojat. Ellie and Tim choose to fight for Helium by taking a look at John Carter, the 2012 adaptation of Edgar Rice Burrough's Barsoom novels. Warning: Contains explicit language, spoilers (both film and book), and much wistful grumbling about lost sequels.
Subscribe to our podcast on itunes here.
Listen to us on Stitcher here.
If you have strong feelings about John Carter (and it seems like most do), leave a comment and keep the discussion going.
Movie In-Jokes: Torque
One of the fun games when watching movies is to spot references, secret messages and gags that filmmakers, film crews and actors can slip into movies to pay tribute to films they love, have a bit of fun with their previous work, or give the cinematic equivalent of a shout-out. Here's a spotter's guide to these inside jokes.
This time, Joseph Khan takes a peek in the rear view mirror of chase movies during the opening action scene of his silly motorcycle flick Torque.
This time, Joseph Khan takes a peek in the rear view mirror of chase movies during the opening action scene of his silly motorcycle flick Torque.
chase scenes,
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Movie In-Jokes: Psycho II
One of the fun games when watching movies is to spot references, secret messages and gags that filmmakers, film crews and actors can slip into movies to pay tribute to films they love, have a bit of fun with their previous work, or give the cinematic equivalent of a shout-out. Here's a spotter's guide to these inside jokes.
This time the long shadow of the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, proves impossible to escape as we peek into the dark corners of Richard Franklin's surprisingly good sequel Psycho II.
This time the long shadow of the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, proves impossible to escape as we peek into the dark corners of Richard Franklin's surprisingly good sequel Psycho II.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Episode 4: Citizen Kane
This 4th of July we celebrate the uniquely American life and times of Charles Foster Kane as Chris, Sarah, and Tim discuss Orson Welles' Citizen Kane. Does this much-exalted film deserve its status as a classic? Warning: Contains explicit language, spoilers, and dramatic crimitism... criticism... I am drunk.
Subscribe to our podcast on itunes here.
Listen to us on Stitcher here.
Movie In-Jokes: Independence Day
One of the fun games when watching movies is to spot references, secret messages and gags that filmmakers, film crews and actors can slip into movies to pay tribute to films they love, have a bit of fun with their previous work, or give the cinematic equivalent of a shout-out. Here's a spotter's guide to these inside jokes.
For this holiday, it seems appropriate to focus on a surprisingly literate gag layered into the background of Roland Emmerich's delightfully cheesy alien invasion epic Independence Day from 1996.
For this holiday, it seems appropriate to focus on a surprisingly literate gag layered into the background of Roland Emmerich's delightfully cheesy alien invasion epic Independence Day from 1996.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
The tribes of the moon return with the Nightbreed Director's Cut!
Horror fans and creatures of the night rejoice! This week, some official details regarding Scream Factory's long-awaited release of Clive Barker's horror epic Nightbreed have finally come to light.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Movie In-Jokes: King Kong (2005)
One of the fun games when watching movies is to spot references, secret messages and gags that filmmakers, film crews and actors can slip into movies to pay tribute to films they love, have a bit of fun with their previous work, or give the cinematic equivalent of a shout-out. Here's a spotter's guide to these inside jokes.
This time we swing back to Peter Jackson, who clearly decided one troublesome monkey wasn't enough for his epic remake of the classic monster movie King Kong.
This time we swing back to Peter Jackson, who clearly decided one troublesome monkey wasn't enough for his epic remake of the classic monster movie King Kong.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Movie In-Jokes: The Iron Giant
One of the fun games when watching movies is to spot references, secret messages and gags that filmmakers, film crews and actors can slip into movies to pay tribute to films they love, have a bit of fun with their previous work, or give the cinematic equivalent of a shout-out. Here's a spotter's guide to these inside jokes.
This time animator Brad Bird pays tribute to two masters of the art in his adorable sci-fi masterpiece The Iron Giant.
This time animator Brad Bird pays tribute to two masters of the art in his adorable sci-fi masterpiece The Iron Giant.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Episode 3: Back to the Future
Great Scott!! Mind-bending paradoxes and Oedipal weirdness abound as Tim, Chris, and Sarah hit 88 miles per hour and zip back to the halcyon days of 1985 to discuss the time travel classic Back to the Future. Warning: Contains explicit language, spoilers, and reminders of childhood traumas regarding a dead cartoon shoe.
Subscribe to our podcast on itunes here.
Listen to us on Stitcher here.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Episode 2: The Maltese Falcon
Grab your hats! Tim, Chris, and Sarah are going to talk about the black bird as we join the hunt for 1941's The Maltese Falcon. Warning: This episode contains explicit language, spoilers, and people who like talking to people who like to talk.
Subscribe to our podcast on itunes here.
Listen to us on Stitcher here.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Episode 1: Lifeforce
So here's the first episode of the CinemaSpection podcast. To kick things off, Tim and Ellie ponder the 1985 sci-fi / horror cult classic Lifeforce. Space vampires, phallic objects, and trenchcoat / turtleneck fashion critiques abound. Warning: contains explicit language, spoilers, and Steve Railsback overacting.
Subscribe to our podcast on itunes here.
Listen to us on Stitcher here.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Back to Work
It's been a long time but the day-to-day bustle of life, random events and the demands of the dreaded day job can take their toll and pull us away from the things we'd prefer to do.
All of this is to say that despite a lengthy absence, I'm hoping to get back at this blog as soon as possible and hopefully expand it into something new and more ambitious in the next little while.
There may be less of a focus on the new theatrical releases because frankly it's a lot trickier for me to keep up with the schedule these days, but I do hope to keep content coming at a regular clip, if not as frequent as it was before.
So, let's get back at it...
All of this is to say that despite a lengthy absence, I'm hoping to get back at this blog as soon as possible and hopefully expand it into something new and more ambitious in the next little while.
There may be less of a focus on the new theatrical releases because frankly it's a lot trickier for me to keep up with the schedule these days, but I do hope to keep content coming at a regular clip, if not as frequent as it was before.
So, let's get back at it...
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