Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Boston Science Fiction Marathon SF45 - Supplement

While we try to cover as much as we can in our episodes, there's always more to see, hear, and read about a movie that can enhance your viewing experience. If you enjoyed our episode on the Boston Science Fiction Marathon, here's a few extra bits you might find interesting...

Here's a video introducing the Marathon and the sense of community it has fostered:

Here's a fan-made trailer for the 'Thon:

You can view the official program for the Marathon here:

Here's the pre-game video introducing some of the Marathon traditions and noting sci-fi luminaries who have passed over the previous year:

For this year's presentation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, while the Somerville audience heard music from the great Jeff Rapsis, we listened to a score for the film composed and performed by the Devil Music Ensemble, who create wonderful, trippy soundtracks for various silent movies. Here's a sample of that score:

Here's a time-lapse video showing the entire marathon and the audience:

Thanks for listening!


  1. Absolutely delightful commentary through the thon! Where were you doing this? Please make this an annual show!

    1. Thank you! Because we were still recovering from illness, we recorded from home this year but we're hoping next year we can actually record it live in Somerville with a portable version of our usual equipment.

      As for making it an annual show, you've got it.

  2. You guys have yet to do a dedicated movie pod for 2020 and there's even a nation wide house arrest going in and still, Zippo. Big fan, I thought the pendemic would get me, but you're killing me.

    1. Sorry for the delay. We have to concede the quarantine has hit us hard here psychologically and morale hasn't always been great but we're fighting through it.

      We will have a new episode up this weekend (if not sooner) and hope to record two more this week, including something special for episode 100! We hope you'll enjoy it!
